Naya Lee Chang (b. Mountain View, California) is an NYC-based public sculptor who investigates the history and visual idiosyncrasies of sites to create works that remix space and move viewers to reconsider their surroundings. Chang utilizes varied materials and methods to make works that are layered, sincere, and expertly crafted. Recent public works include an abstract sculpture deconstructed into a set of chairs on the main green of Brown University; two twelve-foot-tall facades that break up the RISD Museum’s colonial revival architecture with brickwork from around the world; and prosthetic arms for a bronze statue of Caesar Augustus that is missing his original right appendage. Chang graduated from the Brown | RISD Dual Degree Program with an AB in History with honors from Brown University and a BFA in Furniture Design with honors from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). She has been included in over a dozen exhibitions and is the recipient of numerous awards and grants, including the Dorner Prize from the RISD Museum, several grants from the Brown Arts Institute, and a 2019 award from YoungArts.

Artist Statement CV Press